Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Love at First Sight (not) 2

I thankyouuu all again for the comments and for encouraging me, wallah ishte6ait:D
and as for Zuzzy, thankyouu wallah we really love you<3.>


Laduree, Harrods

i lifted my eyes wela i see him .. He was in a red Armani shirt and he had Raybans on. He was H O T. He was from Qatar, obviously min kalama. He smiled and my heart litterly melted, and my tummy started to do backflips, I was shy:$

We finished our sandwiches and decided to go up to first floor ladies. My sisters were walking around and i was chatting with 7ala on bbm and i had my eyes fixed on my bb.

7ala<3: SHAYOUUUKH! Wanasaa bou9aal bacher *happy dance*

S.London<3: Goulay inshallah!! I can't wait;D

7ala<3: Looool inshallah:D i'll be right back i just have to pack some last minute things

S.London>3: I have to get going! Lail7en ma 7a6ait the bb service in my chip mal London so i'm using 5a6y ilKuwaity and i have to turn off my bb a5af fatoorty t3de 40 kd! Take care, byeee:*

7ala<3: Ohhh damn!;S U too babe! And la wslt badez msg 7g raqmich mal London. 76ee now mu lazim ilservice. Bye!:*

After shopping about 9 pmwe headed back to the hotel and bumped into our parents in the lobby.

Me: 'saalaam:*, wain btrou7oon?'

Mama (M): 'Ahlain, bnrouu7 nit3asha ana w ubooch w nitmasha 3goub la 5lsna ib Liecester'

Baba (B): 'Imshaw ma3ana'

Nouf: '7asafa wallah iny ta3bana, murone b3dein bayee ma3akoum Liecester'

Me: 'Haw Mama wain 3zoz?'

M: '3zoz u5ooch ra7 bait 3yal 3amich, kil ilyahal hnak, tawhoum radeen min ilpark w byat3ashoun w binam 3indihoum'

B: 'Zayouuna malich 7is'

Alzain: 'Baba wallah ta3bana lafaina first floor kila'

B: '5alas 3ayel a7na bnamshe wintw rou7aw ray7aw al7een b3dein teyona Liecester, Fe aman ilah"

All 3 of the girls: 'Fe aman ilkarem, byee'

We went up to our rooms, me and Zayouna ina room with two single sized beds, and then the next room is Noufa's room, its connected with our room with one master bed.

Zayouna went straight to bed while Noufa was in her bathroom showering and I sat on my bed thinking ..


Sorry if its short


  1. loved it <3

    sighhhhhhh I miss London :'(


    LS meeeeeeeeeeee wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuf you yala next next next :************

    no need to thank me ya mamati

  3. Sunset: Thaanku<3 I miss it too:(
    Zuzzy: insha'allah now i'll right one, shaja3toune:***********
    Purple Sky: Now u'll know:*
